The KYST Book Kickstarter campaign

(se denne side på dansk her)


Running until the end of March 2019, my Kickstarter campaign aims to raise a minimum of 40,000 kr (about £4,500), in the form of advance sales, for the production of the KYST book.

Follow this link to find out more about the rewards offered and the chance to be one of the ‘Subscribers’ that will be included in the book itself. There is only space for one hundred names, so please hurry.

If you’ve never visited a crowdfunding campaign before, the idea is quite simple. It is an online form of fundraising where people donate money towards a project or outcome. The crowdfunder (me) aims to raise a particular amount of money (40,000 kr) to fund a particular project (production of the KYST book). People interested in donating towards the project purchase products (KYST postcards, the KYST book) on the site.

Kyst cover var 12.detail

If the project target is met, it is my responsibility then to ensure that the products are delivered and shipped as promised. If the project target is NOT met by the end date (31st March), all monies are returned immediately. All financial transactions are managed by Kickstarter and the whole process is absolutely ‘legit’.

The KYST book will be a hardback ‘coffee table’ type book, measuring 300 x 245 mm, with 220 pages printed in high-quality paper by the Danish printers Narayana Press. It will be richly illustrated with hundreds of full colour plates, and will tell the story of the journey, from KYST 01 to KYST 52.

Kyst 13-14

The book will be designed by Nye Hughes from Dalrymple, an award winning graphic design studio based in Edinburgh Scotland specialising in fine art and museum publications. It will be written in both English and Danish, with translation by Marie Lund from Idiomatic translators based in Århus, Denmark. Digital files of the artwork of the highest quality will be produced by Birmingham-based photographer David Rowan. Editing and proofreading by NaturBornholm and Mark Woodhams. It is going to be amazing.

The failure or success of a crowdfunding project is entirely dependent on the enthusiasm and goodwill of its supporters. If you are not able to order a book you can STILL help me by spreading the word. The more people that visit the site and support the campaign, the more chance the target will be reached, which will mean I will be able to deliver a book I can be really proud of.

So please, do visit my Kickstarter site, where you can read all about the book and order one right now…

Thank you for your support in advance, Ben
