LAND 27 – Myreby to Vestermarie Church. 06.07.23

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LAND 27 Less than four hours after returning from a short and intense trip to Paris, my phone alarm dragged me out of my slumber. I was exhausted and underslept and wondered if I would last the day. The first several hours were spent in and around my home, preparing for the trip and walking around our property. The first drawing I made with my feet.

Myreby bird/rabbit

I sat in our small wood and tried to get my eye in.

The view from Mount Greverest

I trained my telescope on the nesting swallows in the eaves above our doorway. Close up, they were strange and reptilian looking.

Swallow nestlings

Eventually I set off, heading north towards Udkæret: my local patch. For once I was not alone – my youngest daughter had decided (voluntarily) to accompany me for much of the day. For this I was very glad, and I concentrated on enjoying the day with her and getting through my tiredness, instead of stressing about my painting.

It was very windy and there was vigorous energy in the day. Bornholm had finally been blessed with rain and felt renewed. The verges were full of rosebay willowherb and meadowsweet, the air fragrant with the scent of lady’s bedstraw. Absolutely a summer’s day.

View from Springebakkevej

We stayed and painted the geese and gulls at Udkæret. The light was fantastic, and I could have spent all day there.

Greylags I, Udkæret

Ida walked home and I carried on, trudging along very well-known roads. I headed south towards Klint. Here I looked back towards the central forest.

View from Klintevej

On the way up to Klint quarry, I met the owner of the land who told me a little about the history of the quarry which had closed at the end of the 60s. With the exception of a few isolated concrete footings, all traces of industry have now been erased and the area is now a local beauty spot.

Klint quarry

From the top of the quarry walls I enjoyed the fantastic view to the south and east.

From Klint, looking south

I walked the last four or so kilometres to Vestermarie – past our much beloved old house – and painted as the last rays of the sun lit up the side of the church.

Vestermarie church


WEATHER REPORT – overcast then sunny in the afternoon. Temperature 16 – 19 degrees. Wind 6 – 8 m/s, from the SW. Hours of precipitation: 0 hours. Hours of sunshine: 7 hours.

STOPS with the BIVVY – 0


DAY LASTED – 17h and 12 m


BIRDS SEEN and HEARD – 57 species: 5 new (oystercatcher, curlew, ringed plover, ruff, peregrine), running total = 123 species

LESSONS LEARNED – washing my brushes in the quarry was stupid – they filled with grit.

IN MY HEAD – the lovely three days in Paris to visit my middle daughter, the impending visit of my parents and trip to Fanø