Purchase Original Art

Hugin og Munin, Watercolour

Most of the artwork on this website is for sale. Prices range between £70 (DK 650) for the small linocut prints, around £300 (DK 2.600) for a smaller original watercolour painting, and up to £2,000 or more (DK 19.000) for the larger paintings.

Should you wish to purchase an artwork or a limited edition print, or find out more, get in touch with me using this form, or e-mail me direct at info@benwoodhams.com to discuss availability, postage and packing, mounting and framing, and methods of payment.

Magpies, lino-cut


The linocut prints are hand-pulled original artist’s prints (as opposed to photographic or giclee prints) with a limited edition (usually between 15 and 30 or so) and are signed and numbered by the artist. Watercolour paintings and limited edition prints can be wrapped in acid-free archival paper and rolled in a rigid cardboard tube, or mounted between acid-free archival paper and acid-free mount card with a rigid backing.

The work produced under the KYST project is now for sale – email me at info@benwoodhams.com, and I’ll send you a list of the remaining paintings and their prices.

Visitors to my studio are welcome – just call or email to make an appointment…